Hornady Factory Ammo Survey 2017/2018

Post pictures and tell us all about the critters you harvested with your Thumper.

Moderator: MudBug

Should Hornady Improve the 250 Grain FTX Factory Cartridge?

Poll ended at Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:47 pm

Total votes : 28

Re: Hornady Factory Ammo Survey 2017/2018

Postby Robert FL » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:55 pm

1. Date of kill. Jan 17, 1018
2. Hornady Black or Custom? Black
3. AR 15, Bolt Action or single shot? AR 15
4. Barrel length and twist rate. 16" 1-24
5. Distance to target. (Approximate will be okay if you’re not sure). 16 yards
6. Type of animal and approximate weight. Feel free to post a picture. Whitetail Doe, 90 lbs
7. Did you recover the animal successfully? yes
8. Where did bullet impact and what organs and bones were affected? "top of pocket" , thru ribs and lungs and heart
9. Did the bullet pass through? yes
10. Did the bullet remain in the carcass and did you recover the bullet and fragments? Post picture if possible. pass thru no fragments found
11. Did you suffer any loss of edible meat? yes, shoulder was badly bloodied
12. How far did the animal run after being shot? 45-50 yards
13. What kind of blood trail did you have? blood trail was not heavy Since the heart was destroyed, still it was present and I had no trouble seeing it.
14. In your opinion, what are the strong points of the 250 Grain FTX? it does do a lot of damage.
15. In your opinion, what are the weak points of the 250 Grain FTX? not sure.
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Robert FL
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Re: Hornady Factory Ammo Survey 2017/2018

Postby glock23c » Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:58 am

A little late to the game but I'll play.

1. Date of kill. I don't keep exact records but have killed 2 in 14, 2 in 15 and 2 in 16. Didn't get to hunt in 17 due to health issues.
2. Hornady Black or Custom? All Custom
3. AR 15, Bolt Action or single shot? AR15
4. Barrel length and twist rate. 16" Bushmaster Factory Upper, 1:24 I think
5. Distance to target. (Approximate will be okay if you’re not sure). All from 10 yards to about 50 yards. I hunt thick stuff
6. Type of animal and approximate weight. Feel free to post a picture. Bucks and does ETA: All adult deer, our bucks avg ~150#, does ~100#
7. Did you recover the animal successfully? Yes on all
8. Where did bullet impact and what organs and bones were affected? Mainly lungs and heart.
9. Did the bullet pass through? Yes on all
10. Did the bullet remain in the carcass and did you recover the bullet and fragments? Post picture if possible. No bullets recovered
11. Did you suffer any loss of edible meat? No, I don't save the ribs
12. How far did the animal run after being shot? Anywhere from DRT to maybe 50 yards or so
13. What kind of blood trail did you have? Good
14. In your opinion, what are the strong points of the 250 Grain FTX? Works fine in my gun, no complaints
15. In your opinion, what are the weak points of the 250 Grain FTX? None
Last edited by glock23c on Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hornady Factory Ammo Survey 2017/2018

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:05 am

This survey will conclude on 2/24/2018 so if anyone has anything to add, please geterdone soon. Thanx!
-Texas Sheepdawg

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Re: Hornady Factory Ammo Survey 2017/2018

Postby FarmHand78 » Sun Feb 11, 2018 12:33 pm

1. Date of kill.
12/3/18 Buck, 12/4/18 Doe, 12/4/18 2ndDoe

2. Hornady Black or Custom?

3. AR 15, Bolt Action or single shot?
Bolt Action Ruger American Ranch

4. Barrel length and twist rate.
16.12", 1in16 RH

5. Distance to target. (Approximate will be okay if you’re not sure).
185, 40, 5

6. Type of animal and approximate weight. Feel free to post a picture.
123/18 Whitetail Buck (185 lbs), 12/4/18 Whitetail Doe (95 lbs), 12/4/18 2nd Whitetail Doe (110 lbs)

7. Did you recover the animal successfully?
Yes to all tgree

8. Where did bullet impact and what organs and bones were affected?
High in chest top of both lungs, shoulder/neck spine, texas heart shot main blood vessel in ham

9. Did the bullet pass through?
I would guess 85% of each bullet did pass through

10. Did the bullet remain in the carcass and did you recover the bullet and fragments? Post picture if possible.
All three I found jacket fragments, lead core pass through

11. Did you suffer any loss of edible meat?
None, neck roast, top of one ham

12. How far did the animal run after being shot?
400+yards, dropped in tacks, 5 yards

13. What kind of blood trail did you have?
None, pool, huge blood trail

14. In your opinion, what are the strong points of the 250 Grain FTX?
Initial shock and accuracy

15. In your opinion, what are the weak points of the 250 Grain FTX?
Jacket seperation, and weight retention
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Re: Hornady Factory Ammo Survey 2017/2018

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:42 am

Okay. I want to thank all of you who participated in this survey for your time and information. My next step is to organize this information and send it to Hornady. The survey is now concluded. Thank you again!
-Texas Sheepdawg

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Re: Hornady Factory Ammo Survey 2017/2018

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:13 am

I just want to give everyone an update on the survey. The results of this survey shipped out yesterday
via USPS Priority to Mr. Mittelstedt at Hornady MFG. I hope I will get some sort of response back.
I don't plan on it being soon however. But I will keep everyone posted if I do.
Thanks to all of you who participated in the survey.
-Texas Sheepdawg

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