Copy and paste these questions in your reply and answer them to the best of your ability.
Okay, here goes.
1. Date of kill.
kill No.1&2 were on the evening of Nov. 16th, kill No.3 was the morning of Nov. 18th.
2. Hornady Black or Custom?
all three were taken using Black
3. AR 15, Bolt Action or single shot?
Bushmaster XM-15
4. Barrel length and twist rate.
20" barrel , 1/24 rifling
5. Distance to target. (Approximate will be okay if you’re not sure)
Kill No.1 ~225yds, Kill No.2 ~110yds, Kill No.3 ~60yds.
6. Type of animal and approximate weight. Feel free to post a picture.
No.1 = 6pt whitetail buck (med size), No.2= doe(small), No.3 = 8pt Buck (med size)
this picture shows kill No.3
7. Did you recover the animal successfully?
No.1 was not found until more than24 hours after the shot, No. 2 and 3 were recovered immediately.
8. Where did bullet impact and what organs and bones were affected?
No.1 Hit the shoulder joint. Bullet disintegrated. Utterly shattered the upper leg & shoulder socket. Bullet failed to reach vitals, but did some frag damage one lung.
No.2 double lung broadside shot through the ribs.
No. 3 was a high lung shot that went through ribs and disrupted the spine.
9. Did the bullet pass through?
No. 1 had no exit, No.2 &3 did pass through.
10. Did the bullet remain in the carcass and did you recover the bullet and fragments? Post picture if possible.
No. 1 had no visible exit wound, but bullet base was not recovered (coyotes got to it before I did).
No. 2 & 3 bullets were not recovered.
11. Did you suffer any loss of edible meat?
No. 1 was a total loss. The animal remained mobile and tracking efforts through the night pushed it, but did not result in timely recovery. By the time it was found the yotes had gotten there.
No. 2 & 3 had minimal loss.
12. How far did the animal run after being shot?
No. 1 went over 2 miles, No. 2 & 3 dropped on the spot and did not require tracking.
13. What kind of blood trail did you have?
No. 1 had a huge initial trail leaving blood, hair, bone fragments, and chunks of marrow, but the trail became intermittent the further the animal moved away. Several bedding areas looked like crime scenes where he stopped to rest. He had enough mobility to keep ahead of trackers and the trail was difficult to follow at times.
No. 2 and 3 didn't require tracking.
14. In your opinion, what are the strong points of the 250 Grain FTX?
Accurate and a good bullet weight for the caliber.
15. In your opinion, what are the weak points of the 250 Grain FTX?
Light jacket expands rapidly and is not stout enough for heavy bone.