The specs
Aero lower with 3lb cnc trigger
Upper is a gryphon trading 16 inch 1 in 24 stainless with a todd Jarret full float handguard nikon glass.
250 FTX in starline brass winchester primers and 38.5 of lil gun. Group ls just at 1/2 to 3/4 in at 100yrds.
Opening morning I was hunting an intersection of 5 ridges that is a white oak grove in an old timber farm. River surrounding this with corn and soybeans 1 mile or less.
On my way to my spot I dipped 2 scent wicks in tinks 69. I do not rack hunt per say but it brings bucks and does in. I saw a small doe and passed. Heard another deer all I can see in the brush is antlers and that side is thick. I see the bucks head and it was a nice wide 8 pt. I have a 14 on the wall so NBD. He disappears. I can hear him working circles around me and the scent wicks ( 75 to 100 yards either side of me) I get glimpses. And all of a sudden he steps out 225yards broadside. Antlers are nice but this deer will easily dress at 250+ i lift up and cross hairs settle just above the heart. I squeeze and was surprised when my ar went off.
The buck hunkers, then swapped ends running 100 yards down the ridge and piles up with a 6ft wide blood trail post mortem. Heart was blown into 3 pieces. Took a doe later at 100 yards double lung. Lungs were fragged with shrapnel and multiple exit wounds.
I have some pics no idea how to attach them