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My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:17 am
by Texas Sheepdawg
Some of you may have noticed that my You Tube Channel was shut down last week. The reason was due to an attacker who started posting vile comments on my videos. That individual has since been banned from the channel. I locked up my videos and took a week to screen every video and every comment to be sure that we deleted all the damaging comments. However, the person also managed to dislike several videos before he could be shut down. This has had a minor negative effect on my channel. I am also afraid I lost a few subscribers. While I can delete bad comments, I cannot undo the dislikes.
Now that I have finished repairing the damage that I could repair, I have changed a few settings and re-opened the channel to viewers, but I need a little help.
If you would, please go to my You Tube Channel "TexasSheepdawg21" and please subscribe and like and comment on my videos. Here is a link to one of my feature videos.
Also, in the future, if you see any trolls, would you please PM me and let me know? Thanx!
Texas Sheepdawg.
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Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 3:07 am
by kottke_35
Will do sir! Carry on!


Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:06 pm
by helidude350

Did this dude not watch your videos?

Did he miss the 3/4" hole in the 7/16" steel plate?

Some people ARE that stoopid !

Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:45 pm
by Spike1
Got you covered dude

Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 11:12 pm
by Texas Sheepdawg
I don't understand some people. Why would a stranger attack a guys' channel and attempt to destroy someone's reputation? Nevertheless, it got bad. Fortunately, I am not the only person who admins my channel. They caught it and notified me. Yes. I have a ghost admin on my You Tube Channel. Nobody knows who it is but me and the ghost. Ghost promptly removed the nasty comment that caught it's attention, then called me. I spent a whole week in damage control. From now on, ALL comments must be approved by the Admins. Anything slanderous or vile will be documented for legal purposes then removed and the person will be banned from my channel.

Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:44 pm
by wildcatter
Hey TSD,

It's obvious to me what's going on here.

You're not shooting into an U.S. Flag or some other wholesome target.

If you were wearing an Obama mask and really looking bad-to-the-bone, well that might help too, get it?

Having fun with a gun "IS" verboten..


Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:00 pm
by Texas Sheepdawg
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Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 7:16 am
by Texas Sheepdawg
Update. The guilty party was, in fact, someone once on our FaceBook. He has faced quite a bit of pressure since the incident. So much, that he has offered an apology which I have accepted. He tried to post his apology on You Tube, but he doesn't realize his account is barred from commenting on my channel. He also sent an apology to me via FaceBook messenger. Here is the screen capture of his apology. While I have accepted his apology, he will forever be barred from the channel and from any future activity on FaceBook. I can forgive.....but I will never forget.
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Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 3:21 am
by wildcatter
Good On You Robin.

A Bigger Man I know Not..


Re: My You Tube Channel got attacked.

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 5:20 pm
by Nosparks
I just don't understand why people feel so strongly to do hateful harmful things to people. I don't always agree on certain subjects on this forum, I do agree on many of the issues. I refrain from saying anything that might be considered negative and let people voice their opinion. That's their/your/our right, and it should be that way for all. So someone says they don't like this or they like this, just let them be and they should do the same to you. Freedom of speech is not a freedom to verbally hurt/attack someone! Some people forget that!

I'm sorry someone caused you TSD so much trouble, it just ridiculous. I enjoy you video's and I am very glad to see you and your son participating in a activity together. That sir is an admirable thing, as it is lacking in so much of todays society!