Hogs are tough.

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Hogs are tough.

Postby slash2 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:42 am


130 lb Russian sow. 20 yrds, I aimed for the ear but didn't compensate for the scope height at that range and hit a little low. She went down, I lowered the rifle, and then she jumped back up and took off running! I got one shot off before she went in the bushes. We found her on the other side of the bushes, shot through both lungs. Whew, lucky.
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Re: Hogs are tough.

Postby wildcatter » Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:21 pm

OK EVERYBODY LISTEN UP! Bacon and eggs in the morning at Slash HQ and I take mine over easy!!

Holy Cow did you get that just recently?

Ok, load data???

Terminal effects Data???

Impressions etc.

Is there any truth to the rumor (I think Mud Bugger is spreading it..er..ah.. Yeah it's the Mud Bugger!!) that you had that one tied up and really missed it and the pig actually died of 450-in-the-night-fright?..wink AND, will you look at that, why that's a doctored photo and I can see the spots on this years fawn!!..

Hey what can I say after some 25years as a PH the campfire humor just doesn't leave over night, ok, ok, how 'bout never...Good Job 'ol man, that sure looks like an eater to me and I'm just jealous!
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Re: Hogs are tough.

Postby 2zero6 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:11 pm

Where about in was it taken westcoast or midwest? did it require a bus for a followup shot? Have to edit I guess Russian sow answers the where question....Duh :roll:
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Re: Hogs are tough.

Postby slash2 » Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:34 pm

This was about 5 months ago in Northern California. Steep, heavily wooded and brushy country above Clear Lake. I was using the last of my factory ammo cuz I hadn't gotten a hunting hand load dialed in at the time.

It was rainy and muddy about 20 minutes past first light. We had snuck up on one group of hogs feeding down below us about fifty yrds away and was getting ready to take one when another group came out of draw to the left and started walking right at us. I was lining up on a nice broadside shot on big sow when the boar spooked and they scattered. By now the other group had moved up the hill to our right and came out of some brush behind and above us. Since we were sitting on the hill side I had to lay down on my back and roll onto my stomach/side to get a shot. Because of the awkward hold on the gun it actually bump fired when I took the first shot! My partner thought I had tried a double tap, but there's no way I could pull the trigger that fast! I'd hate to try and hold onto one of these if it went full auto!

Like I said, the first shot was low below the ear and took out about a fist size hole of jaw and such upon exit. The lucky running double lung shot actually did more damage on the entrance wound side than the exit side, but needless to say everything in between was scrambled. Didn't recover any of the slugs.

BTW, tasty hog! She's all gone now...
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